Monday, August 25, 2008

Is New York in play for McCain?

According to both the NY Post and the NY Sun, McCain is polling strongly enough in New York to justify putting the state in play.

... polling comes in the wake of a Siena College poll earlier this month that found Obama leading McCain among traditionally Democratic New York voters by a relatively meager 47 percent to 39 percent - down from 50 percent to 37 percent in July and 51 percent to 33 percent in June.

It should come as no surprise that McCain would be strong in Westchester, upstate, and Long Island; all traditional conservative strongholds that stand in contrast to 4 out of 5 boroughs of New York City. However, the fact that McCain is within 8 points in a state that hasn't gone Republican in over 20 years is a feat in itself. If McCain can continue to make overtures to security-minded Jews, he may have a shot at New York and its 31 electoral votes. However, it is a mistake to interpret this as a sign that he should put Joe Lieberman on the ticket.

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