Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Noun + Verb + 4 more years of failed Bush policies

Much has passed since the last time I posted on this blog. Sarah Palin has become McCain's VP, much to the delight of social conservatives, women outisde of NY, Frisco, Seattle, and Boston, and most importantly, reform-minded Republicans.

The tolerant left has shown its progressive and forward-thinking agenda by attacking the second female on a national ticket in history and her daughter, first by claiming that Governor Palin used a page out of the Desperate Housewives playbook and faked her pregnancy with Trig to cover for what was actually daughter Bristol's child. Daily Kos was the first to jump on it, but has since removed the story. Then it was revealed that Bristol is currently pregnant with her fiance's child. Somehow, this was evidence of some type of vague hypocrisy that detractors never explain.

Normally, I am skeptical of the term "liberal media," but many agenda-driven journalists made their views clear as this election cycle moved from the primaries to the general election. This became even more pronounced when the Palin pick was chosen. Immediately questions rose as to whether or not Palin had the experience to be POTUS. Naturally, MSNBC, CNN, and CBS immediately direct them to Obama's own justification

So Palin delivered a speech that was tremendous to all non-Democrats who were watching. in fact, there was a 9% jump for McCain/Palin among independents. So Howard Dean did exactly what all good public servants do... fell back to his talking points.

From Howard Dean:

I think the first half was terrific. I thought she really laid out who she
was. I was fascinated. The second half, she sounded like Dick Cheney, she
really did. The same old attack stuff, the same old canards about Democrats that
mostly weren't true.

Sarah Palin and Dick Cheney are both 1) Carbon-based beings 2) Need oxygen to survive. The similarities end there. Mind you, this accusation comes from a guy whose party nominated Joe Biden for the sole purpose of having an attack dog who could spew venom while the name above him on the ticket could maintain the guise of a cherub. Dean never elaborated on the alleged falsehoods, by the way. As the interview progressed, he did remember to equate McCain/Palin to Bush/Cheney, also without elaboration.

Like the above instances and many, many more examples that you can find by simply turning on your television set, the DNC continues to disappoint the electorate with their overly simplistic formula to piece together a sentence: A noun + a verb + 4 more years of failed Bush policies.

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