Saturday, September 6, 2008

Palin Attackers Dispersing

After an unsuccessful media onslaught against Sarah Palin, the partisan attackers are declaring the battle is lost. I don't believe in the culture wars, but they are literally calling for a retreat. It won't be the first or last time this crowd waves the white flag. It started with the slanted Us Weekly coverage:
Then Us was confronted

I could've done without the shameless "Fair and Balanced reporting" line by Megyn Kelly, but this is the professionalism of Us Weekly's editorial board on display. Bradley Jacobs, the marble-mouthed individual being interviewed, is caught with his pants down as he's taken to task for probably the first time in his "journalistic" career. Normally, Hilary Duff and Tila Tequila don't fight back.

Take a good look at Michael Moore's demand that Gov Palin "Show Us the DNA!", because you'll never see that on his site again... Until another astute group of anonymous bloggers bravely take some other 17 year old to task and he runs with the story for a few days then quietly deletes it. He doesn't even get the pseudo-story right. The claim was that Palin was the "grandmother" of her "son". What a faildozer. At any rate, this statement should have been retracted not deleted.

While, he won't truly acknowledge his own mistakes, Moore is advocating that the anti-Paliners cool it. And in the process, glossing over his own role in the initial claims that Trig Palin was Bistol Palin's son:
One hour after Gustav hit land, the McCain campaign announced that Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant. I don't want to say much more beyond this, as I agree with Barack Obama that "people's families are off limits, and people's children are especially off limits."

I do feel very sorry that this minor, this child, now has to have her privacy sacrificed because her mother accepted an offer to run for VP. Obama's right -- the children are off limits.

That's really low and embarrassing, even for Moore. Don't ever let this quarter ton land monster ever claim he has a moral high ground on anything.

But Moore isn't alone. Arianna Huffington, who initially summarized Palin as a Hail Mary pass is now calling Palin a "distraction." Look, even if you don't like Sarah Palin, it should be common knowledge at this point that Palin has a legion of loyal followers who consider her the yang to John McCain's yin. It should come as no surprise that they come to her defense, but when your political opposite calls your attackers sexist, they are probably telling the truth. After a week of prodding into everything from her family to a vague connection to the Alaska Independence Party (which isn't necessarily seccesionist), her detractors have finally realized just how badly they've injured themselves in the process.

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